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ThinkBS Project
thinkBS is an Erasmus+ project supported within the KA203 program (Strategic Parnerships for higher education). The project is run by four partner universities, coordinated by Kadir Has University. The 36 month strategic partnership aims to identify non-math major students that are interested in learning mathematics and to provide a training equivalent to a minor program in mathematics via blended learning (face-to-face and on-line). Participating institutions will be involved in identifying non-math majors interested in further studies in mathematics or in using advanced mathematical techniques in engineering applications. The institutions will develop dedicated curricula and course materials, build a learning platform and organize summer schools.
The innovative curriculum of thinkBS is designed as a 3-year minor program including basic courses and electives. Classical well known, standard textbooks will be followed.
The design of curricula includes topics covered for a 14 week semester, with detailed description of the content with reference to sections of specific textbooks. The course materials include sample problems, additional reading material, and background material for self-study. A learning platform in the form of an interactive website, is used to recruite/monitor/coach students and to share good practices.
A total of 6 basic and 18 elective mathematics courses grouped into three levels of difficulty will be offered. In addition we will organize 3 summer schools in which some of these courses will be taught.
thinkBS is going to organize three summer schools where students will have the opportunity to experience a combination of face to face instruction and online education in an international setting.
Students from project partners will also be funded for travel and accommodation. The summer schools (2020:Turkey, 2021:Romania, 2022:Hungary) will also help to exchange best practices among faculty and students.
Additionally, two multiplier events in 2021 and 2022 will be used to attract the attention of specialised European and international audiences. Those dissemination activities are planned to host more than 100 people where intermediate and final results will also be announced.
Multiplier Event
Multiplier Event will be held online on the 29th of August by hosting Kadir Has University. Lecturers from Kadir Has University, University Polytechnica of Bucharest, San Jorge University, and the University of Debrecen will present the topics taught in the ThinkBS project. After presentations, there will be a discussion session in which participants will be able to feedback. Click to contact and join us.
Advanced Calculus
Advanced Calculus targets to give a basic understanding of elementrary methods of mathematical analysis beyond first year ‘s calculus courses. It is aimed to give students to solve the engineering problems using mathematical tools, construct models for real world problems under certain measures of accuracy, and be able to approach to the applied mathematics problems in a logical systematic way. See detailed information.
Innovative Techniques for Data Security: Cryptography
The course “Innovative Techniques for Data Security: Cryptography” consists of two strongly interconnected modules. The first module A VIEW OF THE CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS IN A VIRTUAL WORLD is dedicated to cryptographic algorithms and the second module APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY IN INFORMATION SECURITY to the security assessment from the perspective of the two reference standards in the field of cryptography (FIPS 140-3, equivalent 19790), respectively to ensure a common level of trust (ISO 15408). See detailed information.
Innovative Mathematical Modeling Techniques
This course provides participants detailed information about fractional calculus with applications, wavelet analysis with applications, and their subtopics. See detailed information.
Statistics Applied in Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine
In the lecture “Statistics Applied in Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine” will be covered some statistics topics from essential to advanced with their application in several fields. See detailed information.

Active Courses
Synchronization from mathematical point of view
This course is an introduction to synchronization phenomenon in complex systems from mathematical point of view.
The required mathematical theory (in particular, dynamical systems theory) for understanding synchronization in networks will be provided in this course. To give deep understanding of concepts, lots of examples and numerical simulations will be presented in the course.
This course will be given online by Sajjad Bakrani and Celik Ozdes with coordinating Deniz Eroğlu.
Advanced Linear Algebra
Advanced Linear Algebra is given as an online course on Khas Learn due to the Covid-19 pandemic by Prof. Ayse Bilge (Kadir Has U.), Prof. Ayse Peker Dobie (Istanbul Technical U.), and Asst. Prof. Selçuk Öğrenci(Kadir Has U.).
See detailed information about course and please contact us for any information.
Participate Courses
thinkBS project provides its participants a wide range of courses at different levels for free with international collobration.
Lectures are given face to face in three different countries, or online at education platform KHAS Learn, which is Kadir Has University’s online education platform. Contact us Contact us and take your seat in the lessons!
Basic Undergraduate Textbooks for Mathematics
- Abstract Algebra:
- 1. Fraleigh, J.B. 1994, A first course in abstract algebra, 5th edn, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
- 2. Hungerford, T.W. & SpringerLink (Online service) 1974, Algebra, Springer New York, New York, NY.
- 3. Herstein, I.N. 1975, Topics in algebra, 2nd edn, Wiley, New York.
- 4. Isaacs, I.M. 2009, Algebra: a graduate course, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I.
- 5. Dummit, D. S., & Foote, R. M. (1991). Abstract algebra. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall.
- Linear Algebra:
- 1. Hoffman, K. & Kunze, R., 1971, Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River.
- 2. Curtis, M. L., & Place, P. 1990, Abstract linear algebra, Springer-Verlag, New York.
- 3. Jänich, K. 1994, Linear algebra, Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Algebraic Geometry and Topology:
- 1. Hartshorne, R. & SpringerLink (Online service) 1977, Algebraic Geometry, Springer New York, New York.
- 2. Cox, D.A., Little, J. & O’Shea, D. 2015, Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms: An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, Fourth edn, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham.
- 3. Hatcher, A., 2002, Algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press, New York.
- Calculus:
- 1. Buck, R.C. 2003, Advanced calculus, 3rd edn, Waveland Press, Long Grove, IL.
- 2. Spivak & Michael 2018, Calculus On Manifolds: A Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus, 1st edn, CRC Press Inc.
- Dynamical Systems:
- 1. Perko, L. 2013, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, New York, NY.
- Differential Geometry:
- 1. Carmo, M.P.d. 1976, Differential geometry of curves and surfaces, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
- 2. Guillemin, V. & Pollack, A. 2010, Differential topology, AMS Chelsea Pub, Providence, R.I.
- 3. Milnor, J. W., 1965, Topology From the Differentiable Viewpoint, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville.
- Mathematical Analysis:
- 1. Rudin, W. 1976, Principles of mathematical analysis, 3d edn, McGraw-Hill, New York.
- 2. Apostol, T.M. 1964, Mathematical analysis, 4th edn, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, Reading, Mass.
- 3. Bartle, R. G., 1964, The elements of real analysis, Wiley, New York.
- 4. Royden, H. L. & Fitzpatrick P., 2018, Real Analysis, Pearson, New York, NY.
- 5. Pugh, C.C., 2015, Real Mathematical Analysis, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham.
- Complex Analysis:
- 1. Conway, J. B., 1978, Functions of One Complex Variable I, Springer New York, New York.
- 2. Conway, J. B., 1995, Functions of One Complex Variable II, Springer New York, New York.
- 3. Palka, B. P., 2012, An introduction to complex function theory, World Publishing Corporation, Beijing.
- 4. Busam, R. & Freitag, E. 2009, Complex analysis, Springer.
- Geometry and Topology:
- 1. Munkres, J. R., & Davis, L., 2018, Topology, Pearson Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, N.J.
- 2. Pressley, A., 2010, Elementary differential geometry, 2nd edn, Springer, New York.
- 3. Tu, L.W., 2011, Introduction to Manifolds, Springer New York, New York.
Online Course Materials
All available course materials can be accessed through the “Courses” tab on the header list.